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Hot Springs, Arkansas

Welcome Friends!


We are excited to provide you with discoveries that motivate you. Your dreams are special to us. Our heart's desire is to bring you inspiration and sugar to your soul as your waistline fills up with hope and inner strength. Please allow us to reveal incredible tenacity that you never have known before.  


We want to help you to discover the reason why you were born for this time in history. God made you unique and incredible! You are an original masterpiece with an amazing canvas to portray your life with photographic imagery and dream the impossible like you have never experienced before. You can overcome anything with love, determination, and the people you surround yourself with.


Your voice print registers to God as the only one of its kind out of nearly seven billion people. You have millions of reasons to live.  Let us help you "Story Forth" and forward hope to someone else. 




in the Unexpected


  it makes you

  birth empowerment.


                 © Beverly M. Bernson

Anchor 1

Here it is!



Bev's New Single Release!

Please pause the page

Play example of

"Eye in a Hurricane"

in the above blue link.


Beverly Joane Designs


Colorado Springs, CO

Thank You to All of Our Armed Forces!

(This video is best played by stopping this page red sound track button above.)


Everyone at Joyful Legacy Loves You!


Story Forth

Short Stories Sugar to the Soul

The Disappearin' Closet

By Beverly Matthews Bernson

The first time I noticed them, the “disappearin’ closet” swallowed a bunch of items in some secret room hidden underneath the floor.  The three inch parin’ knife was my favorite.  I would glare at Ma’s cooking magazines when I found the right one I had to own when I grew up. 

Eye in a Hurricane

Words and Music by
Beverly M. Bernson

Sitting under an old pinetree in the local park of Kilgore, Texas, I was seventeen, 'green behind the ears' and yet, I penned my first song out of 200 or more called "Princess Dream" on an old napkin hidden inside of my lunch box for school.


Curious, amazed, confounded, I realized that my heart longed to share my unusual gift of songwriting with one soul or quite of few over the years. I learned that I was different, didin't fit in school with my peers, and yet I loved songwriting.


Somehow, expressing hurt, joy, agony, unity, and courage developed in my early childhood. at the age of seven years old.  I struggled hard to fit in with my friends in our neighborhood especially at school.


4501 McCann Rd. #6522

Longview, TX 75608

Joyful Legacy Productions

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